All latest news on Martin Mulder

Article of Dr. Yared Demssie et al on systems thinking competence development in higher education accepted

Research of Dr. Yared Demssie on systems thinking competence development in higher education is accepted for publication. Congratulations! Thanks Prof. Alan Reid, Editor of the journal. For the time being the reference is Demssie, Y., Wesselink, R., Biemans, H.J.A., & Mulder, M. (accepted, 2022). Fostering students’ systems thinking competence for sustainability by using multiple real-world learning approaches. Environmental Education Research. When the article is published, I will share more about its content.

Annerieke van den Beld nieuwe Master Onderwijskunde (MEd)

Annerieke van de Beld succesfully defended her thesis for the Master of Educational Studies program today 29th of July, 2022. The question of the thesis was whether the introduction of a Professional Learning Community would help transforming schools within  a foundation for primary education towards learning organizations. The idea was that this introduction could improve the quality of education within the schools, which is much needed, given the assessments made by the Inspectorate of Education.

Continue reading Annerieke van den Beld nieuwe Master Onderwijskunde (MEd)

Nicolette van Mierlo nieuwe Master Onderwijskunde (MEd)

Op 7 juli heeft Nicolette van Mierlo op succesvolle wijze haar Master thesis voor de opleiding Onderwijskunde verdedigd. Voor het eerst sinds lange tijd weer live op locatie. Het onderwerp van haar onderzoek was een combinatie van loopbaanbegeleiding, soft skills en gaming. Gefeliciteerd Nicolette. Dank Dr. Joachim Wetterling voor de begeleiding.

Inspiring meeting with Society of Extension, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Looking back on inspiring meeting yesterday (May 20, 2022), with representatives of the Society of Extension Professionals, Extension Education Institute, Campus Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. The topic of my talk: Professional Competence of Rural Development Advisors.

You can download the PPT I presented here. 220520 Hyderabad Extended PPT.

Because of time constraints I could not elaborate many details, but I added slides with go deeper into certain aspects of the main presentation. I hope this helps colleagues across India.

Professional Competence of Rural Development Advisors

Getting ready for my contribution on ‘Professional Competence of Rural Development Advisors’ at the webinar organized by the Society of Extension Professionals, Extension Education Institute Campus, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Looking forward to that. Thank you

Dr. R. Vasantha, Professor, EEI, Hyderabad & Member, SEP;

Dr. M. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Director, EEI, Hyderabad & General Secretary, SEP;

Dr. V. Sudha Rani, Director of Extension, PJTSAU & President, SEP, Hyderabad;

Dr.V.Praveen Rao, Hon’ble Vice-chancellor, PJTSAU, Hyderabad;

Dr.V.Ravinder Naik, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Agril. Extension Education, College of Agriculture, R’nagar, Hyderabad;

Dr. G. D. Satish Kumar, Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension) IIOR, Hyderabad & Vice-President, SE

for your support of this event.

Email address change

Dear website visitor,

Please be informed that I am anticipating a transfer of my email address in the coming months.

The new address will be:

I will gradually start using this email address for all my contacts.

Thanks for changing the email address in your directory.

Have a great learning day.


Netty Oosters: group activity plans to improve results oriented teaching

On March 31 Netty Oosters successfully defended her Master thesis on group activity plans to improve results oriented teaching. The thesis was done in the Montessori Lyceum Oostpoort (Amsterdam). Working with individual activity plans may be an interesting way to look at personalization of education, but appears to be too time consuming in practice. Therefore, group activity plans are being used to enable differentiation. The questions in this study were: 1. what is the need to work with group activity plans? 2. does working with group activity plans have the desired effect? 3. how can this work method be assured? Two pilot studies were conducted. The format of the group activity plan is tested in two periods. During the first pilot test observations of progress meetings and analyses of group activity plans took place. Based on the insights of the first pilot, the second pilot was conducted to evaluate the effects of this work method on learning results. Teachers have observed each other’s lessons based on the group activity plans. The observations and interviews after the lessons have shown that this working with group activity plans enables teachers to better account for different support needs of the students. The study also shows the importance of learning of teachers in practice for both their own continuing professional development and the quality of the support of the students. Congratulations Netty with this achievement, and thanks Dr Martijn van Schaik for the assessment of the thesis.