Sustainability competence identification for developing countries

Research of Yared Demssie from Ethiopia on sustainaibility competence identification in developing countries is accepted for publication by the Journal of Cleaner Production. Once the manuscript is published online, the abstract will be posted here.

Full reference up to now: Demssie, Y., Wesselink, R., Biemans, H.J.A., & Mulder, M. (accepted February 25, 2019). Think outside the European box: Identifying sustainability competencies for a base of the pyramid context. Journal of Cleaner Production.

Article on Virtual Reality and Feedback now online

The article on Virtual Reality and Feedback of Stan van Ginkel et al which is accepted for publication by Computers & Education is now online. The question of the study reported in this article is if oral presentation competence of first-year students in Higher Education can be improved by using Virtual Reality Glasses which simulate audiences for practicing oral presentations. Continue reading Article on Virtual Reality and Feedback now online

Virtual reality to enhance oral presentation competence

Research of Stan van Ginkel on the application of a virtual reality system in oral presentation education has been accepted for publication in Computers & Education. The full reference of the publication is: Van Ginkel, S., Gulikers, J., Biemans, H.J.A., Bos, T., Van Tilborg, R., Van Halteren, M., Roozen, M., & Mulder, M. (Accepted). Fostering Oral Presentation Competence Through a Virtual Reality-Based Task for Delivering Feedback. Computers & Education. When the article is online, we will share the DOI.

Mariska van der Kaap nieuwe Master Onderwijskunde (MEd)

Mariska van der Kaap heeft op 12 februari 2019 met succes haar scriptie voor de NCOI Masteropleiding Onderwijskunde (MEd) verdedigd. Titel van de scriptie: ‘Lokale effecten van het nieuwe landelijke opleidingsplan NOVUM: Onderscheidend en inspirerend opleiden tot Medisch Specialist in Maag-Darm-Leverziekten binnen het Flevoziekenhuis’. Hartelijk dank Dr. Joachim Wetterling voor de goede begeleiding.


Elske Barens nieuwe Master Onderwijskunde (MEd)

Elske Barens heeft op 12 februari 2019 met succes haar scriptie voor de NCOI Masteropleiding Onderwijskunde (MEd) verdedigd. Titel van de scriptie: ‘Leerteamleren & studiesucces bij Hogeschool Utrecht Finance’. Hartelijk dank Dr. Martijn van Schaik voor de goede beoordeling en discussie.


Peter Reimert nieuwe Master Onderwijskunde (MEd)

Peter Reimert heeft op 12 februari 2019 met succes zijn scriptie voor de NCOI Masteropleiding Onderwijskunde (MEd) verdedigd. Titel van de scriptie: ‘Reddingswerk is teamwerk. Ontwerponderzoek naar de wijze waarop een non-technical skills curriculum voor de operationele KNRM-bemanningen bij kan dragen aan veiligere en effectievere teams’. Proficiat en veel succes verder. Hartelijk dank Dr. Martijn van Schaik, voor de goede begeleiding.

Foundations of Competence-Based Vocational Education and Training published online

‘Several competence theories have been developed, and much competence research has been conducted during the last decades’. … ‘Without the pretention of being exhaustive, this chapter, on the foundations of competence-based vocational education and training, gives a review of eight theoretical views on competence, which emphasize performance, self-determination, alignment, professional knowledge, shaping, effective instruction, capability, and human development. The chapter then reviews the current states of affairs regarding competence practices, characteristics of mature CBE systems, and discussions about definitions’. …’The chapter is concluded with an outlook on competence for the future. Amongst all future-oriented competencies, learning competence remains most important. The development of all other competencies is depending on that’ (op cit, 2019, 1).

Continue reading Foundations of Competence-Based Vocational Education and Training published online

Handbook of Vocational Education and Training – paper version 2019

A total of 49 chapters of the Handbook of Vocational Education and Training: Developments in the Changing World of Work (Springer, 2019) have now been published online. The other chapters will follow during the coming months. The whole Handbook will appearin print version in the course of 2019.

The Handbook discusses trends for initial and continuing vocational learning across all settings worldwide. It examines how new technologies are opening up new areas of work and revolutionizing learning, and explores the role of private training markets, amongst others.

Full reference to the Handbook is: McGrath, S., Mulder, M., Papier, J., & Suart, R. (Eds) (2018). Handbook of Vocational Education and Training for the Changing World of Work. Cham: Springer.

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