Jacqueline Akkermans new Master of Education (MEd)

Jacqueline Akkermans succesfully defended the Thesis for her Master of Education (MEd) on December 17. Jacqueline did her thesis work within Van Oord, whom many may not know, but think of the Palm Island of Dubai; they co-constructed that. Ring a bell? The title of the thesis is ‘Moving from Training to Performance’, which is a relatively old theme in social science, but still very current for the learning and development profession in many places of the world. Based on various sources, Jacqueline drafted a competence framework for learning and development professionals as performance consultants. Also, not new, but still needed. What appears to be the case is that performance consultancy seems to be a quantum leap for many organizations, whereas it has the potential to greatly increase the quality of work and productivity of the organization. The only simple question is: how? And the study shows: this is easy to ask, but difficult to answer. Furthermore: is the learning and development professional actually the one to initiate, carry out, implement, and improve performance consulting or use it’s result as input for training and development? Congratulations Jacqueline Akkermans. Thanks Dr. Joachim Wetterling for serving as examiner of this thesis.