Eghe Osagie sussessfully defended her PhD thesis

On December 14 Eghe Osagie succesfully defended her PhD thesis entitled ‘Learning and Corporate Social Responsibility. A study on the role of the learning organization, individual competencies, goal orientation and the learning climate in the CSR adaptation process’. Congrats!  Download here: Osagie.2016 PhD THESISCopromotors were Dr Renate Wesselink and Dr Vincent Blok. Opponents were: Prof. Dr R.J. Baumgartner, University of Graz, Austria, Prof. Dr A.H.J. Nijhof, Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen, Prof. Dr R.F. Poell, Tiburg University and Prof. Dr H.G.J. Gremmen, Wageningen University.
