Course on Competence-based Rural Development in Tirana went well

On March 21 and 22, the professional master course on competence-based rural development was taking place in Tirana, and went well. Three groups of active students have tentatively developed competence profiles for stakeholders in rural communities, processing organisations, and financial institutions. The approach of multistakeholder analysis attemts were admirable and creative. A big compliment for these future leaders in rural development.

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Research assessment systems differ between countries

Researchers in universities have to comply with national systems of research assessment and related systems for promotion and tenure. But the strange thing is that research assessment systems differ by country. Which system contributes best to research quality improvement? That seems to me to be the key question, but it is a question which is easy to ask, but difficult to answer. I don’t see any answers in the piece of the TES anyway. What is good is that the piece alerts researchers to the relative value of the national research assessment systems and related promotion and tenure criteria, which, however, are difficult to avoid.