Research of Judith Gulikers et al on assessment innovation published online

Research of Judith Gulikers et al on assessment innovation is published online. An action research was conducted with 34 teacher teams of 11 pre-Vocational Education and Training institutions, to implement a new (competence-based) assessment. The results, based on data from 76 teachers, 68 students, 24 teacher coaches and 3 researchers, show (as expected) that the new assessment implies changes in curriculum and teaching to align these with the competence-based education philosophy in action. Various challenges emerged from this research: how to increase teachers’ expectations of student performance, how to change student-teacher interaction patterns, how to develop teachers’ practical understanding of the competencies which are being taught, and how to observe and discuss student performance during assessments, all as a consequence of competence-based student assessment.

The full reference is: Gulikers, J.T.M., Runhaar, P. & Mulder, M. (2017): An assessment innovation as flywheel for changing teaching and learning, Journal of Vocational Education & Training, DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2017.1394353.

Download paper here: 2017 Gulikers et al – Assessment as flywheel – JVET