AERA SIG WPL 2013 Program Impressions

The Special Interest Group (SIG) Workplace Learning (WPL) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) had a good programme during the Annual Meeting in San Francisco which took place from April 27 to May 1. The Business Meeting went well, and an interesting session followed about the future of Workplace Learning research. The elections for the new assistant programme chair came in kind of late, but during the AERA conference we were able to announce that Petri Nokelainen was elected. The 2013-14 SIG Chair is Marg Malloch, who was the 2012-13 Programme Chair. The 2013-2014 Program Chair is Michelle Bartlett. I will serve as the Immediate-Past SIG Chair. We are looking forward to the further development of the SIG, and the next Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, which will take place from April 3 – April 7, 2014. I thank all who were involved in the 2013 programme for their commitment to the SIG WPL.
Apart from the SIG WPL, Arjen Wals, Piety Runhaar, Omid Noroozi and myself from ECS were at the conference and had a good time. The Holland Happening, which was co-sponsored by ECS, was well attended. Saeid Karimi could not make it to the conference; that is why Omid and I presented his poster. We did meet some interesting colleagues during this poster session.

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