Call for WU sandwich PhD proposals – deadline May 17, 2013

The Call for the WU sandwich PhD – program is open again. There will be a difference with the previous program: successful sandwich PhD-applicants will be offered a contract while at Wageningen University.

The next deadline for proposals is set on Friday, May 17th 2013. Applications must be sent in by email to onno.moller@, through sendit:
The application form can be downloaded here: sandwich_form_2013_I
Research topics we are interested in at ECS:
– elearning in higher education in plant sciences, animal sciences, agrotechnology and food sciences, environmental sciences and social sciences;
– the pedagogy of interdisciplinary and intercultural learning in higher education in the fields mentioned above;
– education in entrepreneurship in higher education;
– competence development and performance improvement in organizations;
– workplace learning and competence development in professional contexts.
Proposals must build on research that has recently been completed or running at the chair group of Education and Competence Studies (